WindowWorks Blog

The Perfect Spring Plants for Your Garden Window

Spring is here—but in many parts of the country it still feels like winter. Don’t let the lingering cold prevent you from starting on your spring gardening. If you have a kitchen garden window, you can start today! Even though the space in your garden window is limited, you can grow a number of beautiful plants that will help put you in the spring spirit—even though Old Man Winter hasn’t... Read More

Spring’s the Time for Home Improvements

After a winter full of snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, you probably can’t wait to crack open the windows to feel the fresh air and sunlight flow into your home, but is your home ready? Spring is right around the corner and if you have home improvement projects to tackle, now is the perfect time to get in touch with the home improvement experts at WindowWorks. With thousands of satisfied... Read More

WindowWorks Donates Window to ALS Patient

Since we opened for business, WindowWorks has displayed a strong commitment to community service. That’s why when we heard about a family who could use our help, we sprang into action. About a year ago, a local man was diagnosed with ALS. As his disease progressed, they found it necessary to move out of their family home into a single story house. With so many other things on their minds, the family... Read More

5 Reasons to Love Vinyl Siding

Vinyl has quickly become the premier siding choice for a wide variety of homeowners, and with good reason. This incredibly versatile siding material is a great choice in terms of longevity, efficiency and cost, offering a great alternative to traditional exterior design choices. As leading exterior designers, WindowWorks offers world-class vinyl siding along with reasonable prices and quality installation. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of a... Read More

3 Reasons to Add Sidelights to Your Door

There are many ways that you can customize your home’s exterior to fit your taste, but everyone knows that your entry door makes one of the biggest visual statements. After all, it serves as the gatekeeper and focal point of your home as it welcomes family and friends. While many people choose a stylish door, they still feel as if something is missing. Fortunately, doors with sidelights are a simple solution to improve... Read More

Casement vs. Double Hung Windows

If you’re considering window installation or replacement, it can be difficult to navigate the many different styles of windows now available on the market. Casement and double-hung windows are two of the most popular models available—knowing the difference between the two can help you optimize your renovation and ensure that your new choice complements both your style and needs. Read on to learn about the important differences between casement windows and double-hung windows! Modern and Stylish... Read More

Perks of Insulated Siding

If you’re looking into a siding upgrade on your Chicago area home, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities. What material is best? Which brand? What color? Although most any siding will provide a basic layer of home protection, you shouldn’t be tempted to settle for second-best. To outfit your home with a state-of-the-art material that’s built to last, learn more about the perks of an insulated siding installation! What Are the Benefits... Read More

What is R Value & Why Should You Care?

Over the last several years, homeowners have become increasingly concerned with the efficiency of their homes—and for good reason! With rising costs for heating and cooling, having inefficient windows, doors, and siding can all lead to skyrocketing bills and lowered home value. While there are several ways to improve the overall thermal efficiency of your property, replacing outdated windows offers one of the highest returns on investment. However, deciding to... Read More

How Does Replacing My Home’s Windows Affect My Energy Bill?

We know that your home is one of your greatest investments, and you need to consider all of the factors involved when it comes time to upgrade the essential features of your house. One project that offers a high return on investment is replacing outdated, drafty, and inefficient windows, but you may be surprised by the benefits that you actually receive with this fairly common home update! Most homeowners think... Read More

Improving Your Home Value Through Window Replacement

Home improvement projects are a reality of homeownership, and there are countless reasons why you may be considering investing in your property. Whether you want to add curb appeal with exterior upgrades or are remodeling your interior for a more modern appearance, there is one thing that is essential to consider when planning any home improvement project—the return on your investment (ROI)! Replacing windows is one of the most common... Read More

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